Update: Seminar Postponed
Dear Aerogel Scientists:
In light of the global COVID-19 crisis, we must postpone the Fifth International Seminar on Aerogels as well as the Summer School until September 2021.
However, we will organize an “Online Aerogel Seminar 2020″ on the original seminar dates (16-18 September, 2020) with selected oral presentations by video conference, online poster sessions accompanied by 1-2 minute videos for each poster, and webinars about various aerogel topics. The poster prize will be awarded as usual. Companies are invited to submit video materials about their new aerogel products for an industrial session.
The call for abstracts for the Online Aerogel Seminar 2020 has been extended to 15 June, 2020. All abstracts that have already been submitted for original seminar will be considered for the online seminar unless you request otherwise. Conference fees will of course be drastically reduced.
We hope that this virtual event will allow us to keep in contact with our colleagues around the world and learn of their new work until it is possible to meet again in person. We are still collecting ideas to make the online event as productive and enjoyable as possible. Please feel to email us at aerogelconference@tuhh.de with any creative suggestions!
Please check back soon for updates.
Fifth International Seminar on Aerogels – 2020 (completely online)

16 – 18 September 2020
Hamburg University of Technology
Hamburg, Germany
Aerogels are a fascinating class of nanoporous materials that exhibit a wide array of extreme and unique materials properties. Aerogels have traditionally been obtained through a combination of sol-gel technology and (mainly) supercritical drying. However, in recent years numerous new compositions and processes have made possible a wide range of amazing new materials and applications. As a result aerogels are now the focus of significant development efforts worldwide, with uses in many fields including insulation for buildings and oil pipelines, lightweight structural materials, aerospace, adsorbents and catalysts, capacitors, batteries, and desalination, optics, high-energy particle physics, drug delivery systems, and so much more. Please join us in discovering the latest in this exciting field!
Dear Aerogel scientists, dear colleagues, dear Friends
I would like to update you about the upcoming Online International Seminar on Aerogels to be held 16-18 September 2020.
The seminar will be held completely online, most likely via the apps Whova and Zoom.
The oral presentations will be live streamed and (if the authors agree) recorded and made available for an additional 24 hours for those who missed them because of time zone differences.
We will also have a poster presentation component. Each poster will have its own online zoom session during poster time with the possibility for breakout sessions with those who have questions. We ask the poster authors to make 1.5-min video abstracts summarizing the most interesting facts of their posters, which we will post on the Whova poster session app.
We will also organize online coffee breaks (likely topic-themed) where we still can meet and chat in groups!
As they say in Hollywood, the show must go on! So, please submit your abstracts for oral or poster contributions before our deadline 15 June 2020 to aerogelconference@tuhh.de.
You can send the abstract first and register later, if you like. We’ll start the online registration later and will accept the registration till 1 week before the event. Only registered participants will be able to join, so please be sure to register!
Lastly, don’t forget to mark your calendars for the rescheduled in-person meeting of the International Seminar on Aerogels in Hamburg in September 2021.
We are looking forward to you contributions!
Best regards,
Irina Smrinova
The aerogel community invites scientists, engineers, students, and industrial partners working with or interested in learning about aerogels to the premiere international conference on the subject. We welcome contributions on any and all topics related to aerogels including synthesis, characterization, and applications in various fields. Our growing community is eager to host contributions from all fields and from all over the world. This conference will be the fifth in the series and promises to be the biggest and best yet!

Abstract: 15 June 2020
Please send an abstract of 300 words or less by 1 May 2020 to aerogelconference@tuhh.de
The abstract must be submitted as a Word-file and conform to the following format:
- Line Spacing: Single spaced
- Title: Times New Roman 14 bold, centered
- Authors: Times New Roman 12 bold, centered
- Institutions: Times New Roman 12 italic, centered
- Email address of the presenting author: Times New Roman 12, centered
- Abstract text: Times New Roman 12
- Acknowledgements, References: Times New Roman 12
Please send the abstract at the same time as the Registration Form to the respective parties above.
When submitting your abstract, please state if you prefer to present your paper as an oral presentation or a poster. Please note not all oral presentation requests can be accommodated due to program restrictions.

We invite industrial and government partners to promote their products, services, and research activities by sponsoring our conference. Benefits include a large audience of academic and industrial players from around the world with high interest and relevance to your organization. Promotional opportunities including display booths, literature distribution, online exposure, placement of advertisements, and promotional giveaways are available. To discuss sponsorship and pricing please contact irina.smirnova@tuhh.de

To register for the seminar please download and fill in the Registration Form Aerogel Seminar 2020 and send it to contact@isasf.net.
Full 50 €
Students 30 €
Further details can be found on the Registration Form
Prof. Irina SMIRNOVA
(Hamburg University of Technology – Harburg, Germany)
e-mail : irina.smirnova@tuhh.de
Conference Organization: Prof. Irina SMIRNOVA
(Hamburg University of Technology – Harburg, Germany)
e-mail : aerogelconference@tuhh.de
Phone: +49-40-42878-3040
Fax: +49-40-42878-4072
For registration and payment
e-mail: contact@isasf.net
Website: http://www.aerogel.org/community/seminar2020