International Society for the Advancement
of Supercritical Fluids (I.S.A.S.F.)

12th International Symposium on
Supercritical Fluids
About the Conference:
The 12th International symposium on supercritical fluids, organized by the International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids (ISASF), will be held on April 22 – 25 2018 in ANTIBES – JUAN – LES – PINS (France).
Topic of the conference will be the most recent scientific and technological developments in supercritical fluid technology, while special focus will be given to case studies, investigating the scale-up from lab experiments to manufacturing-scale processes, in all types of industrial fields such as:
- Food and nutraceuticals
- Cosmetics and perfumes
- Pharmaceuticals
- Medical devices and implants
- New bio-analyzers
- Electronic micro – /nano – systems
- Insulation and building materials
- Ceramics and polymers
- Defence applications
- Waste destruction and recycling
- Green chemistry
Symposium chair:
Dr. Michel PERRUT, Atelier Fluides Supercritiques,
Scientific Committee:
- Dr. Tadafumi ADSCHIRI, Tohoku University, Sendaï (Japan)
- Pr. Elisabeth BADENS, Aix-Marseille Université (France)
- Dr. Owen CATCHPOLE, Callaghan Innovation, Auckland (New Zealand)
- Pr. Maria-José COCERO, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)
- Dr. Rita DUARTE, Universidade de Minho (Portugal)
- Pr. Jacques FAGES, Ecole des Mines, Albi (France)
- Pr. Motonobu GOTO, Nagoya University (Japan)
- Pr. Stephen HOWDLE, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
- Pr. Buxing HAN, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China)
- Dr. Jerry KING, CSF & University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (USA)
- Pr. Erdogan KIRAN, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg (USA)
- Dr. Eduard LACK, NATEX (Austria)
- Pr. Youn-Woo LEE, Seoul National University (South Korea)
- Dr. Stephane SARRADE, CEA, Saclay (France)
- Pr. Irina SMIRNOVA, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (Germany)
- Pr. Sara SPILIMBERGO, Università di Padova (Italy)
- Pr. Feral TEMELLI, University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada)
- Pr. José Del VALLE, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago (Chile)
- Dr. James WATKINS, University of Massachussets, Amherst (USA)
- Pr. Eckhard WEIDNER, VTP Ruhr Universität, Bochum (Germany)